Task 2

Task 2

As a potential buyer for a next gen console, I would be most likely to recommend the PlayStation 4 to an uninformed party.

One of the reasons that I would recommend the new PlayStation over the Xbox One is because of the visual quality which has been demonstrated in the various advertisements for the console and games. Games which have been released on both consoles seem slightly nicer looking on the PS4. Another point in Sony’s favour is that their console supports 1080p game output. Microsoft’s console seems to be quite limited to 720p for most current games.



One of the most prominent benefits of the PlayStation 4 over the Xbox One is the apparent setup times. From videos found online, the PlayStation 4 seems significantly quicker to setup, with a lot less hassle. In the videos linked below, you can see that it takes around twenty minutes to setup an Xbox One, whereas it only takes about two minutes to setup a PlayStation 4.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATz0Me9KS4s – Xbox One Setup

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZ4DjQtj79M – PlayStation 4 Setup

One of the main games that I would recommend for the PlayStation 4, would have to be infamous: Second Son. The previous infamous games were brilliant games, in my opinion, so with next generation graphics and effects, I believe that this will be an immense game.

I personally think that the biggest decision maker of these two next generation consoles is the price difference. The PlayStations’ original price was $399, compared to the Xbox Ones’ price of $499. The main reason for this price difference is because Microsoft is including their Kinect hardware with each console. I personally dislike the Kinect, and so don’t see the point of paying and extra $100 for something that almost definitely wouldn’t use.

Overall, I believe that Sony have done a better job of marketing and advertising their console. All of the adverts that I’ve seen for the PlayStation 4 are more appealing to me as a gamer, and a sucker for visual quality.

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