Session 4 – Audience Classification

Task 1

Out of the eleven attributes of Demographic, Psychographic, and Geographic, I would say that only six of them are relevant to gaming audience classification. These are:


  • Gender –  Many games are marketed towards males, more then any other gender.
  • Ethnicity – Depending on the game, certain ethnicities may be more or less likely to want to play a game. e.g A person of African-American decent is less likely to play a game based on the slave-trade.


  • Attitude – Peoples’ attitude towards society and life can have a major difference in who, and how developers market their games. People who claim to hate society are less likely to play  game where you save it, but probably more likely to play a game based on mass murder.
  • Beliefs – Peoples’ beliefs may stop them from playing certain games, purely because they don’t agree with the principles within them. For example, people who are heavily Catholic probably wouldn’t be too thrilled playing a game like Spore, which is based purely on Evolution. Similarly, people who go out of their way to attack religion, may not want to play games based around Christianianity.
  • Individual Interests – Possibly the most influencial attribute, individual differences will play a very large role in how well a game does. People with particular interests surrounding a game are likely to play it, whereas people with completely different interests may not be so inclined. For example, somebody who is interested in football is more likely to play a Fifa game than a game based on interdimentional genocide.


  • Nationality – Different nationalities will often have differing opinions of games. Particularly games which name different nationalities of people. For example, a game which names French people as the bad guys, probably wouldn’t sell too well in France.

Task 2

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