Task 1

1) Has the presentation ben thoroughly planned? Although I believe that the presentation went well, I think that it could have gone better. Although we planned the presentation quite well, I believe that it could have been planned to a bit higher quality. The main reason for this was because of the slight hassle of gathering the reference images on to one computer to add to the slide show took longer than it should have. Having six people all trying to say their input at the same time was also a factor, and made it hard to hear any one point first time around.

2) Is there evidence of individual contribution from each team member? All of the information on the slide show was gathered by different team members. Artist gathered reference images of assets similar to that which will be in our level, while the level designers gathered images such as floor plan, and building interiors

3) Was the presentation well presented? I believe that all of the team members helped present the presentation to the best of their abilities. I believe that the flow of the presentation could have been improved upon however. This is because none of the team members had dedicated lines that all members knew, and so there always seemed to be an awkward transition between speakers due to each team member not knowing when the last speaker had finished.

4) Did the presentation show evidence of subject specific research? I believe that our presentation showed good examples of research based on our chosen level concept. All images were relevant to abandoned universities.

5) Did the team communicate their initial ideas effectively through the presentation? I believe that all members of the team communicated their specific slides in a fairly effective manner, despite the general dislike of giving presentations.

6) Did each member of the team provide supporting evidence on their WordPress sites? Although each member of the team contributed a lot towards the overall presentation, not all members provided evidence of such on their sites.

7) Has each member participated in the delivery of the presentation? All members of the group were tasked with delivering at least one slide of the presentation. Due to the nature of some of the slides, some team members had more to talk about than others. A few team members also had more than one slide, but we did try to balance this out, so that people who had a lot to talk about on one slide would only talk about that one slide, and people who didn’t have much to talk about on one slide would do that for two slides.

The presentation can be found HERE.

The overall structure of the theme was the same as the Practice Presentation, but with Ashley Perrin and Ellis Williams talking about assets. There were also a few other changes, but I believe that the presentation went well the second time around.

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