Task 2

Team Ω

Xavian Campbell – Artist

Will Mcclennan – Artist

Ashley Perrin – Artist

Herbie Souther – Designer

Jack Walker – Designer

I chose the role of artist because I feel that my skills in creating 3D objects and 2D images far surpasses that of my skills in designing the playability of a level. I also belive that my skills in building the interior/exterior of a level are not as up to scratch as my teammates.

Task 2

Team Ω has chosen a University Campus theme. We believe that this will make a decent environment for a multiplayer game to take place.

We thought of the idea as this region of multiplayer maps seems to be fairly untouched in the gaming industry. A game which does have a map similar to our idea is The Last Of Us, which recieved a wide range of positive feedback.

I believe this theme will work for our team because when the idea was first suggested, many additional ideas were immediately shot out to the group. We have stuck with, these ideas and developed them accrdingly.

Our idea was influenced by several multiplayer games, including The Last Of Us. The props and scenery will be influenced from real life university/buisiness park buldings. We believe that this will give us a very realistic feel, as if the campus has been genuinely abandoned.

Gant charts + Contingency Documents HERE

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