GameMaker Game: Resources

GameMakerProject (Dropbox)

Game Resources

The tutorials which I will be using to create my game will come primarily from the YouTuber, 852maniak, as his tutorials are simple, yet serve the purpose which I will be using them for. If at a later date, I decide to add another aspect to my game which 852maniak does not cover, then I shall consult other tutorials on the internet.

Sprite Resources

Although I initially wished to create my own sprites, due to various inconveniences over the first week of the project, I doubt I will have time to do so, therefore I shall be taking my sprites from this Photobucket picture, and altered version of this Pixel Joint picture, and this seamless texture from CG Textures which I will shrink down to an appropriate size.

Background Resource

Since my game will be a top down shooter, the background image will only have to be an image of the ground, so I shall use one of the pictures which I took in the first few weeks of the college course as a background.

Sound Resources

Since the sounds which I will be using will only be very basic ones, I shall create them using the free audio editing software: Audacity.

The sounds which I will need to create are as follows:

  • A noise for the weapon, either gunshot or laser blast.
  • Footsteps for when the player moves.
  • A sound which will be played when the player kills an enemy.
  • A ‘booping’ sound for when the player collects ammunition.

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