Story book Scene

For this task, we were told to create a 3D rendition of a scene described in a book.  This page shows my progress as I made my scene.

Week of the 18th March 2013

This week, I progressed with making props for my scene. The props that I made include a kitchen stool, a footlocker chest, and the bedding.

To create the stool, I used four cylinders and the bend tool, as well as an edited Chamfer Box.

For the footlockers, I extruded into, and chamfered a cuboid box primitive.

The bedding was made using a basic box primitive, and a plane with several segments on each axis. I used the vertex move tool to move particular verticies on the plane, giving the illusion of a bed sheet.

The basic untextured scene.

The basic untextured scene.

The wireframe shot of my scene.

The wireframe shot of my scene.


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