Creating A Fast Food Tray

In order to create a fast food tray, I started with a simple “Plane” primitive. After making sure that it only had one segment for the height and width, I converted it to an Editable Poly. Using the the polygon selection tool, I selected the top polygon, and inset it by a suitable amount, and then used the Move tool to lower it slightly, again by a suitable amount. I then used the Border Selection tool, which is the Selection tool between Edge Selection and Polygon Selection, and selected the outer-most side of my mesh. Once this was selected, I used the Scale tool, while holding down the left shif key, in order to create some new polygons attatched to the mesh. After making sure that all of the sides of the tray seemed even, I selected the enire mesh, and then used the “Shell” modifier in order to create a 2-sided mesh.

The basic tray mesh.

After creating the tray, I then created a fast food cup to put onto the tray. To do this, I started with a “Cylinder” primitive. After making sure that it was a suitable height, and of suitable proportions, I made sure that there was only one height segment. I then selected the base polygon, and used the Scale tool to shrink it slightly, as the base of fast food cups are slightly thinner then the top. I then used the Edge Selection tool to select all of the edges on the sides of the cylinder, and then used the “Connect” tool to create some new edges between them. On the “Connect” tool settings box, I changed the “Segments” box to one, the pinch to zero, and then used to slide tool to slide the edges closer to the top of the cylinder. The new polygons at the top of the cylinder will act as the lid of the cup.

After using the Polygon selection tool to select the new polygons, I used the Extrude tool, and extruded them a suitable amount, while making sure that the “By normals” option is selected, so that they extrude outwards, instead of all just moving to the side.

Once I extruded the polygons, I selected the central top polygon, and used the inset tool to create the polygon which would be extruded to create the straw of the cup. To do this, I extruded the polygon by a suitable amount, and then selected all of the edges on the extrusion, and used the Connect tool to create some new edges between them. I changed the Segments section to ten, and changed the Slide option so that the newly created edges were at the top of the extrusion. After making new edges, and moving them to the correct the part of the straw, I moved the pivot, so that I could bend the straw.

To move the pivot, I navigated to Hierarchy tab, and chose the “Affect pivot only” button. I then used the Move tool to move the pivot to just below the newest set of edges.

After moving the pivot, I used the “Bend” tool from the modifier panel. On the settings section, I changed the upper limit to one, and checked the “Limit effect” box. I then changed the angle, so that the uppermost polygon is at a suitable angle.

The final step of making the fast food cup, was to extrude the polygon at the end of the straw, to a suitable amount.

The tray and the cup meshes together.

The next job was to create the burger box, which can be done by creating a “Box” primitive with two height segments.After converting the Box to an Editable Poly, I used the polygon selection tool, I selected the top and bottom polygons, and used the Scale tool to shrink them slightly. I then used the Edge selection tool, and selected the outermost edges, and used the Chamfer tool, and Chamfered the edges, so that there was another set of polygons. This is all that needs to be done to create the burger box.

The tray, cup, and burger box meshes.

The final part of the scene which needs to be created, is the fries and the fries box.

To create the Fries Box, all I did was create a “Box” primitive, with 5 width segments, and converted it to an Editable Poly. After that, I used the edge selection tool to select the two middle edges on each end of the mesh, and used the Move tool to move them closer to the middle of the mesh. After that, I selected the edges that were in inbetween the middle edges and the outer corners of the mesh on one side, and moved them closer, so that it appeares that the box slopes inwards, in order to hold the fries. Next, I selected the outermost edges on the other side of the mesh, and moved them up slightly, so that it was clear that was the bottom.

To create the fries, all that I did, was to create a simple “Box” primitive, with only one segment on each axis, and then held the left Shift key while using the Move tool to create a clone of the initial Fry. I cloned the Fries several times, and moved them around, in order for my mesh to look realistic, and so that not all of the fires were prallel to one another.

After creating the Fries Box, and also the fries, I grouped the meshes together, so that if they needed to be moved, Icould just select the group, instead of having to individually select each mesh. To group the meshes, I went to “Group >> Group” and entered a suitable name.

The tray, cup, burger box, and fries box meshes, all together.

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