Author Archives: xavecampbell

About xavecampbell

My name is Xavian Campbell, but I generally go by Xave, for short, and I’m an 18 year old teenager. Gaming has always been a large part and aspect of my life, and I’ve wanted to explore more of the industry for some time now. I enjoy 3D Modelling in my own free time, and have had some experience on Autodesk 3ds MAX 2010. Some of my hobbies include playing the drums, watching films (yes, that DOES count as a hobby!) and playing games, mostly on my laptop, opposed to consoles. Most of my free time is spent on my laptop, or at the pub, but mostly on my laptop. I do quite a bit of volunteer work for Cheshire Constabulary, including helping at various open days. My last job was a paper route, which involved being up at stupid o’clock, in order to deliver the papers before the customers woke up; otherwise they got cranky, and complained. I enjoy listening to a variety of music, ranging from Chopin to Slipknot, depending of the circumstances of where and when I am when I wish to listen to the music. And now I am just writing to fill space for Paul.